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Writer's pictureRebecca

Letting Go, Transformation and Spiritual Awakening

Hello Everyone. Apologies for it being so long in between posts.

My love and gratitude to you all as we head into the Holiday season toward the end of yet another tumultuous year. Sending love to all of those who have lost loved ones, with deepest condolences I write this.

For those of you expecting new additions and new paths to your lives, my wishes for good luck and abundance follow you.

To everyone: I send love, laughter and warmth as we step further into the hibernation season of winter. I plan on doing some healing meditation, energy work, readings, winter hiking, trying some new recipes, writing, sketching and painting during the deep freeze that's upon us here in Pittsburgh, Pa.

Feel free to get in touch for Readings and Energy Sessions. I've added Tuesdays to my schedule. I'd Love see you, as always.

And don't forget, Reiki Shares tomorrow and Sunday, December 4th! Come join us.

Death (and Rebirth) - Gilded Tarot

Astro Sign: Scorpio, Pluto

Recommended Movie: Slumberland, Jason Mamoa

‘I'm finding a new way to be me.'

Death represents the transformation and the end of something; a belief, a perspective, a point of view, a lifestyle, a relationship, a career, a habit. And a person. An old self is being released and a new one is being born.

The light of new garments graces the Soul. In such colorful ways. Spirit is with you all the way.

The Unconscious activity is stirred and we begin magnetizing powerful lessons.

There could be a devastating, impactful loss and/or there could be a wonderful addition to your life that even though positive, still brings disturbing and profound change.

Death is the kind of change that shapes your life. It changes how you feel about and view the world, how you view and feel about your family, friends and loved ones. It can change how you view your parents and the choices they made.

Forgiveness usually ensues shortly thereafter. Or the realization of the need for it.

Death frequently means the birth of a child, in my experience. The Death of your old life and the beginning of a new one. Especially when coupled with the Hanged Man.

This is Spiritual Transformation. Emotional Maturation follows along and it's very sobering.

Scorpionic change is deeply enriching, rarely fun in the beginning and usually permanent.

These changes shift how you connect and speak with the Divine, Source, Goddess, God, All That Is. Some folks become so forlorn about the changes that they turn away from Spiritual support.

I’ve done that for sure.

Some folks allow themselves to connect on a deeper level, having more faith and trust simply because of the ground shifting beneath their feet. They allow for the spiritual awakening. They reach up, hold on and are carried across the Abyss, the Great Water of Life. A trip to a higher level of awareness allows them to reveal who they really are.

I’ve done that for sure, as well.

Sometimes we do both.

Death can teach us powerlessness in the sense that there are underlying forces at work that we can no more control than we can the weather. The best we can do is allow the wind to fill our sails.

If we allow this force to have some say in our lives, we can ride its wave, as in the sense of a tremendous

adventure, however wanted or unwanted. Merging with this energy allows transmutation, running from it causes stagnancy and stuckness.

Living life on life’s terms allows us to see the Teacher in everyone we meet. Usually in the form of a mirror, unblemished, like it or not.

It’s humbling and life knows where to find us.

I just watched Slumberland with Jason Mamoa, what a wonderful depiction of the Psyche of the Inner child through major and devastating change and adaption to paths we at first, would rather not travel and seas we’d rather not swim in. I highly recommend it.

Transformation has a life of its own and a destiny in mind that must be followed. It’s in the facing of fears that we are placed on the new trajectory, finding a new way to live and love.

Even if our knees are knocking, our mouth dry and our heart pounding.

A new table to sit at and warm bed to sleep in, is just around the bend. The new path is usually very prosperous and abundant, in my experience with the Death card. So moving forward can bring you all that you want.

It just won’t bring back the past.

Growth is the likely outcome, even though you may not be aware of it as you process through.

Energy changing is not the end of the life, it’s the end of a phase of that life. It leads to separate paths and new discoveries of Self that are at first excruciatingly lonely. Then the new and fresh energy finds its way to your consciousness and your door. You see the same old light shining and you invite it in. Just differently this time.

The color Blue represents Truth known and Spoken, authenticity and Violet represents Spiritual Grace and blessings being recognized in our lives.

About this Death card, someone long ago, I can’t remember exactly who now, made mention of the fact that there’s nothing left in the picture behind the skull and the shield. There’s nothing left to hang on to.

The transformation is complete although there is still the need for emotional healing. The heart has been cosmically rearranged and new desires bring new blessings.

Joy lives in forward momentum.

I believe the clouds in the background represent the scars of life. Allowing the pain to come and go strengthens the Soul and activates the greatest kind of resiliency.

The Resiliency of the Human Heart and Spirit.

And the Will to Live and Love again.

Peace to You and Yours,


Rebecca Bloom is a Spiritual Mentor, Professional Tarot Card Reader, Medium, Reiki Master & Teacher & Meditation/Drumming Facilitator. She's been practicing professionally since 2002 and is excited to be working in collaboration professionals in the Pittsburgh area for fun and spiritual enrichment. Rebecca resides on the East End of the City with her Master of Zen and beloved Therapy Cat Sampson. For more information go to

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